How long does KLM take to refund?

The airlines provide you a refund when you wish to cancel your flight or at the times when airlines cancel your flight. Generally, it takes 7- 14 days to reflect the refund in your original mode of payment.

Talking about the KLM airlines, if you are willing to cancel your flight and wonder how long it will take to get a refund, you can thoroughly read the given information below. Let's start with the cancellation process.

How to Cancel a Flight on KLM Airlines?

You can cancel your flight with KLM anytime by online and offline methods. Here you can check out the process below for a better understanding.

KLM Airlines online cancellation policy

  • At first, open the official website of KLM and then locate my trip or manage the booking section
  • You can also login to your account to retrieve the booking details
  • Now enter the confirmation number and last name and click on the search
  • Select the ticket you wish to cancel and click on the cancel/change button 
  • Now you can follow the instruction on the screen to complete the cancellation process
  • Make sure you pay the cancellation fee if applicable
  • Once you are done with the cancellation, you will receive an email from the airline to confirm the cancellation

By calling contact center:-

You can also request the airline by calling their customer service number to cancel a flight. You can provide all the details asked by the airline executive to proceed with the cancellation instantly.

By Calling Third Party:-

You can follow the process above for the bookings, which are done from authorized sources. But if you made the booking via a third party or travel agent, you will have to contact the travel agent directly to cancel the booking.

How do I get a refund from KLM?

So, How to Cancel a Flight on KLM Airlines? Following the process above, you can cancel your KLM flight anytime. Once the flight is canceled, it's time to apply for a refund. One can apply for a refund by speaking with the KLM executive or submitting the request form online. After you submit the refund request form, the airline initiates the refund based on your ticket type.

Here you can keep reading the information below if you wonder how long it takes to get a refund.

How long do KLM refunds take?

When you apply for the refund in KLM, it takes 7-20 business days to get a refund depending on the original mode of payment. You can get a refund in 7-10 days for credit cards and debit cards, whereas cash and cheque take more time, around 14 -20 days.

How long does KLM take to refund? Although the airline initiates the refund on time, in case it takes more than the expected time, you can speak to the customer support team of KLM.

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